Saturday, July 09, 2005

I, Me, Myself

So where were we? Ah! yes, let me put on a little light how I came into existence into this not so wonderful world and that may also tell you why i chose this name for my blog. So here we go :)

2nd December,1982........

The night was dark and cold. There was a slight drizzle, the ones caused by retreating monsoons. In a small village hospital, a mother and her womb were struggling at the same time (eventually this happens to be my mother). Dr. Vijayan, my uncle was in consultation with the gynecologist and other doctors. This is one thing what I don’t like about doctors. When they form a group, they behave as if they are smartest creatures in the universe and the rest of the world, just dumb bees. And just to prove themselves, they put in a lot of medical jargon into their conversation. I personally feel, they do that just to avoid the outer world from recognizing their blunderous selves.

Anyway, I suppose I’m deviating a lot much. Ok, back now.... :)

After a lot of apprehension and suspense, finally at 2:17 am the first wails of a new born girl child broke the silence of the hospital cells (I call them cells because the hospital rooms are worse and smaller that prison cells). And … well there is a lot of stuff but I don’t want to go into details.

My father was in Delhi when I was born. I was brought home to my grandmother by Amma and Leela Valiyaama.

Let me give you the insight of my birth, as I put it :

“When you come into this world, you cry while the whole world rejoices. Leave the world in such a way that you rejoice and the whole world cries.”

1 comment:

Karthik Subramani said...

how come u remember what happened immediately after u were born ?

u must have been really gifted at that young age :)